IRCTC Registration, User Registration Guide, Login

IRCTC Registration, User Registration Guide, Login
Kindly fill below information, 

Username – Provide available username which helps you at the time of login

Security Question – Help you to recover password (if you forgot)

Your Answer – Provide answer of security question

First Name – Provide your first name

Last Name – Provide your last name

Gender – Select Gender Detail

Marital Status – Select Marital Detail

Date of Birth – Provide birth date information

Occupation – Select one from option

Email ID – Provide your Email ID (Help you to get more information in future)

Mobile – Give your Mobile number  (Help you to get more information in future)

Nationality – Select one from Option

Address – Provide your residential address information

City – Select related city (If not in list then fill information in Other)

State – Select related state (If not in list then fill information in Other)

Pin/Zip – Provide your pincode (Given residential Address)

Country -  Select related country

Phone – Provide phone number detail

Enter Verification code for registration

and Click on Submit (Reset Option is also Given)

You have to accept the terms & conditions and also activate your account by clicking the mail which is sent by IRCTC after registration process.

Options are also available for mobile verification, request mobile password, change password

IRCTC Shubh Yatra | IRCTC Login
